Thursday, October 30, 2014

Flannel Board - Five Spiders on a Web

This adorable Flannel story came with my job! I don't know who made it, but its so cute! Look at those spiders! The web is made on a square of white flannel which is pasted to a piece of cardboard to give it structure.

Here is the poem:

Five little spiders lying on a cord.
Swish went the wind, then there were four.

Four little spiders pretty as could be.
Swish went the wind, then there were three.

Three little spiders all black and new.
Swish went the wind, then there were two.

Two little spiders, shining in the sun.
Swish went the wind, then there was one.

One little spider left all alone.
I gave him a poke and sent him home.

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